Orchids are topic at July’s Master Gardener meeting


Geni Smith, Fayette Master Gardener (1997) and member of the Orchid Society, presented a porgram on growing and caring for orchids at the July Fayette Master Gardener Association meeting.  Geni has won many awards for the orchids she grows and brought several beautiful orchids to use for demonstrations.  She repotted an orchid, showing how to set the roots and showed the proper potting mixture to use.

Other happenings at the meeting were the presentation of two new Master Gardeners.  Lynn Amos and Sue Nelson were presented their certificate and badge.  As interns they completed their 50 hours of volunteer work in the county.   Sandy Edwards, Horticulture Program Assistant, congratulated them on a job well done.  Another happening was the signing up of attendees to help at the May 2011 Plant Sale and Annual Garden Tour.  It was announced that the Plant-A-Row Garden (PAR) to date has produced 21,000 pounds of produce.  This garden is maintained by the Master Gardeners and all produce is donated to 10 charities.

Volunteer members work when they can two days a week from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the hot sun.  The produce is delivered by noon.  Lester Bray, an experienced gardener, is the mentor of the group.

 Craig Gross, County Coordinator, announced the “Back to School Family Fun Block Party” to take place Saturday, August 7, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Fayette County Administrative Complex parking lot.  The block party is sponsored by the 4-H and held in celebration of the many accomplishments of the 4-H over the past year.    It promotes the Jr. Master Gardener programs, highlighting what they do and what they offer to youth and families.  Booths will be set up all around.  The “jumping castle” opens at 5 p.m.

The September 21 evening meeting is open to the public.  It will be at the Fayette Library community room at 6:30 p.m.  After a short business meeting, refreshments will be served, followed by an interesting program.  Cookbooks will be on sale.  These will make great gifts.