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Peachtree City to Host Town Hall Meeting on HB581 and What...
Want to know what is happening with your property taxes according to recent legislature? Don’t say Peachtree City didn’t try to tell you about...
Wreath-Laying in Fayetteville keeps fallen heroes’ memories alive.
By 2nd Lieutenant Olivia Lowman, CAP
On December 14, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, the Fayetteville City Cemetery will stand as a place of...
Question Mark on College
Dear Mark,
My teenager has just started receiving college acceptance and rejection letters, and it’s been an emotional rollercoaster for both of us. While...
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School system improves CCRPI scores
Fayette County Public Schools posted a fantastic showing on the 2024 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI), seeing gains across the board and...
Whitewater High School Marching Band Ends Competitive Season on a High Note
The Whitewater High School Marching Band has concluded an action-packed and highly successful competitive season. This year’s show, themed Umbrella, captivated audiences with its...
McIntosh wins Game Day Cheer Championship
For the second time in a month, the Chiefs have been crowned a cheer champion. On December 4, McIntosh High won the GHSA Game...
Fayette County Board of Education’s financial reporting is the gold standard for our region
Last week’s article talked about personnel costs driving costs to school boards at a rate higher than the revenue rate capped by the homestead...
Fayette schools receive less tax money but costs are rising relentlessly
On a recent drive with my wife up to South Carolina to celebrate our son’s twenty-first birthday, I had a bunch of windshield time...