Local boys serve as heroes for the American Red Cross


While discussing current events in their 5th grade class at Brooks Elementary School, Bryce Koranda and Garrett Walraven came up with the idea that they wanted to raise money for the American Red Cross, which has an annual Heroes Campaign each May, and the work that they are doing to help families in need. Their excitement easily rubbed off on their friend, Chase Wilson, who joined in the creative thinking that led to an idea for a school-wide raffle for the grand prize of 45 minutes of extra P.E. time. The students’ P.E. teacher, Coach Hubbard, agreed to supervise the students and the contest, which resulted in over $300 raised for the American Red Cross. The boys presented the money to Fabiola Charles, Community Relations Officer and Lt. Donnie Davis, Chair of the American Red Cross South Metro Heroes Campaign on Tuesday, May 11.

Last year in the south metro community, the American Red Cross provided free emergency assistance to 738 disaster clients totaling over $531,200. Almost half of these clients were children. Over 4,500 individuals were trained with the lifesaving skills of courses such as CPR and first aid, lifeguarding, babysitting, elderly care and disaster education. Over 550 military families were assisted in sending emergency messages, obtaining financial assistance and finding counseling through the Armed Forces Emergency Services Program.

The Heroes Campaign is an annual fundraising campaign that the Red Cross runs from May 1-31 that allows schools, businesses, churches and individuals to help the Red Cross raise funds that will remain within the local community.