ADA-compliant floating docks on the way


Fayette County citizens appreciate the beauty of their lakes. Many take advantage of the recreational opportunities they provide on weekends, holidays, or other occasions. Non-motorized boating is one popular and healthy use that the citizens enjoy.

The Board of Commissioners has taken action to increase the ability of all citizens to access Lake Horton and Lake McIntosh. At its Dec. 10 regular meeting the board authorized the purchase and installation of floating docks at Lake Horton and Lake McIntosh.

The docks will allow individuals with disabilities, as well as senior citizens or others who simply need a little assistance, to enter and exit kayaks, fishing boats, or other types of non-motorized vessels. The docks will comply with guidelines of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.

The docks are designed to be identical. On one side of the dock there will be a one-way kayak launch with rails on both sides.

There will be a transfer bench which the user slides out of its compartment, and over the kayak seat, allowing unassisted boarding.

The dock will also include aluminum handrails on three of its sides. An opening in the handrail on the side opposite the kayak launch will help to steady those who need a little assistance entering or exiting fishing boats or other vessels.

A five-foot-wide aluminum gangway with handrails that run the entire length will allow easy dock access from the land. It will be 30 feet long to provide for a gradual angle, facilitating its use.

It is anticipated that this addition to the facilities at the two lakes will enable more individuals and families to enjoy their water resources for years to come.