PTC approves first step of Hwy. 54 annexation request


The Peachtree City Council on Feb. 5 approved the first step of an annexation request for 28 acres in the area of Ga. Highway 54 and Sumner Road. The second step in the two-step process will delve into the details of the request by Bradshaw Family LLLP to develop the property with a mix of retail, office and residential.

Neighbors opposed to the annexation cited issues such as the proposal for higher density homes than can be found in the area and increasing traffic on Sumner Road and in adjacent neighborhoods.

Councilman Eric Imker during the discussion said he believed the annexation was potentially viable, though he did not agree portions of the request dealing with increased residential density and an access on Sumner Road.

Prior to the unanimous vote, council members reminded residents that a vote to approve the Step 1 application provided the way to advance the conversation and address aspects of the proposal.

The second phase of the process, Step 2, requires additional and detailed information pertaining to the impact of the potential annexation.

Council approval for the annexation request will be considered after the Step 2 portion of the process is complete.

The proposed development would include the Smokerise Corners commercial and office development on the westernmost portion of the property and the 28-home single-family home Parkrise Corners residential development on the east side of the 28-acre tract.