Fayette celebrates Christmas


Above, Students at Peeples Elementary School participated in a Lucia Train, which is a holiday processional done in Scandinavian countries.

From right; Diego Ramos, Tea Fukofuka, Anna Krabsen Jensen, Sadie Mullinex, Macey Bearden and Alaina Murdock.

Pictured below, the Peeples chorus presented the musical, “December in Our Town.” From right;  Celeste Goudy, Emma Grace Hepler,

Hannah Jacoby, Rylie Hamilton, Grace Burnett and Caroline Walton.

Pictured below thanks to The Fayette County Bar Association, many foster children in Georgia will be waking up on Christmas morning to find oodles of presents under the tree.

The Fayette County Bar Association, a professional network made up of 119 local attorneys practicing in and around Fayette County, recently collected 65 toys for Bloom Our Youth, a local non-profit organization that provides safe refuge and supportive services to neglected, abandoned, and abused children in Georgia.

From left, Brandon Taylor, Secretary; Sam Beck, Vice President; Angela Landgaard, President; Jordan Jewkes, Treasurer. Pictured bottom, the Peeples chorus presented the musical, “December in Our Town.” From right;  Celeste Goudy, Emma Grace Hepler, Hannah Jacoby, Rylie Hamilton, Grace Burnett and Caroline Walton. Photos/Submitted.