More than 30 4-H members compete in district tournament


Thirty-one Fayette County 4-H members competed at District Project Achievement for fifth and sixth graders in Covington Feb. 8.

They all worked long and hard to prepare for the competition, which is based on a presentation of an illustrated demonstration. 4-H members select a topic of interest, research information, write a speech, and prepare posters and other visuals to illustrate their speech.

They are then judged against other 4-H members in the same category. Nine surrounding counties competed at Project Achievement with a total of 309 4-H members.

Fayette County had the largest increase in participation over last year.

Participating were: Kayla Ary (Forest Resources and Wood Science), Sevy Avies (Workforce Preparation), Lilly Bentley (Dog Care and Training), Shelly Bentley (Communications), Miracle Brown (Interior Design), Jett Butler (Computer Information Technology), Colin Comiskey (Workforce Preparation), Henry Dierkes (Science of Engineering and Mechanics), Abigail Doolittle (Cat Care), Anabella Garcia (Clothing and Textiles), Sam Glazier (Herpetology), Joey Hernandez (Flowers, Shrubs, and Lawns), Jack Kafka (Vet Science), Manahil Khan (Arts), Ella Lantz (International), Taniyah Lee (General Recreation), Emily McBride (Health), Seth Moan (General Recreation), Bonnie Moore (History), Kaylyn Morris (Arts), Addison Moses (Science of Engineering and Mechanics), David Niedermeyer (Entomology), Sydne` Peltier (Flowers, Shrubs, and Lawns), Brooke Perkins (Photography), Hannah Ramirez (Health), Nour Raslan (History), Helen Sorme (Dog Care and Training), Allison Spinney (Entomology), Kendall Taylor (Crafts), Taylor Thompson (Horse), and Kylan Wimbish (Science of Engineering and Mechanics).

First place winners were Lilly Bentley, Jett Butler, Kayla Ary, Miracle Brown, Addison Moses, and Shelly Bentley. Second place winners were Brooke Perkins and Hannah Ramirez, and third place winners were Abigail Doolittle, Sam Glazier, Sydne’ Peltier, and Allison Spinney.

High school 4-H members Devin Fourqurean, Katie Mize, and Sasha Smith attended as teen leaders. Sara Kahley, Kim Jackson, and April Nasworthy attended as Fayette County Extension staff members, with special thanks to Jeff Mellin and Kristen Thompson for attending as 4-H volunteers.

Fayette County 4-H offers many more fun and educational opportunities. For more information, contact the Fayette County Cooperative Extension office at 770-305-5412×7.