PTC teen charged in wreck


Eighteen-year-old Peachtree City resident Gregory L. Hunt II was charged with reckless driving and leaving the scene of an accident in a traffic crash that occurred Monday afternoon at the intersection of North Peachtree Parkway and Walt Banks Road.

Witnesses told officers that Hunt was driving his vehicle north on Peachtree Parkway at a high rate of speed when he entered the four-way stop intersection. He ran the stop sign and struck a vehicle that was on Walt Banks Road and was turning left onto North Peachtree Parkway. The vehicle struck by Hunt turned 180-degrees due to the impact, reports said. The impact caused Hunt’s vehicle to roll downhill and strike a tree adjacent to the cart path, officers said.

Hunt after slamming into the tree exited his vehicle, witnesses said. Hunt then entered the car, retrieved something from the interior and walked away toward the Lake Kedron boat docks, according to reports.

Officers said Hunt subsequently returned to the scene of the accident, telling officers he left to go home to get his insurance card, but returned when he realized it was in his wallet. The report noted that Hunt lives in the opposite direction from the direction he was headed when he left the scene. Hunt told officers he was walking the wrong way because he knew a shorter way to his home.