Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Awards Grant To Fayette County DUI/Drug Court and Fayette County Veterans Treatment Court


Fayette County’s DUI/Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court is pleased to announce it has received a $35,000 from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS).

The grant funds will be utilized to implement a comprehensive monthly drug testing program for participants as part of our efforts to monitor substance use, support recovery, and reduce recidivism in our community. Furthermore, the program will integrate testing results into individualized recovery plans, offering referrals for additional counseling, treatment, and other necessary support services. By promoting accountability, identifying challenges early, and encouraging positive behavior, this initiative aims to support recovery and reduce new substance-related offenses, ultimately fostering a safer and healthier community.

“Part of the GOHS mission is to assist in the implementation of programs and campaigns designed to prevent crashes and eliminate traffic deaths on our roads,” said Allen Poole, Director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. “GOHS will continue to develop new partnerships and continue existing ones in order to create, refine and implement safety programs designed to help our state and nation reach our goal of zero traffic deaths.”

The grant year for this award will be October 1 of 2024 to September 30 of


Fayette County Accountability Court has been at the forefront of supporting individuals in their recovery journey through our specialized accountability court programs, DUI/Drug Court and Veterans Treatment Court under the supervision of State Court Judge Jason B Thompson. These programs offer structured support and monitoring for individuals involved in the criminal justice system who are seeking to overcome substance abuse challenges.

Our local DUI/Drug Court was started on January 1, 2016, by State Court Judge Jason B. Thompson.  Now in its nineth year, Judge Thompson states “DUI/Drug Courts save lives, families, jobs and dollars.” Since its inception in 2016, the Fayette County Accountability Courts has graduated 96 individuals.  Currently, 34 participants are in the program.  To date, the Fayette County Accountability Courts have saved Fayette County taxpayers over half a million dollars. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to provide a second chance for those who are committed to rebuilding their lives.

“Recovery is possible, our programs are dedicated to empowering individuals to reclaim their lives, build resilience, and achieve lasting success. We are committed to demonstrating the transformative power of recovery and ensuring that everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive”-Jourdan Crawford, Fayette Accountability Court Coordinator

The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety’s mission is to educate the public on safe driving behaviors and implement highway safety campaigns and programs designed to reduce crashes and eliminate fatalities and injuries on Georgia roads.

For more information on this grant program, contact GOHS at 404-656-6996 and for more information on GOHS and its other highway safety programs, visit