Freddie Falcon shares focus on fitness, nutrition


Students at Oak Grove and Inman Elementary got tips on living healthy from a famous feathered friend. Atlanta Falcons mascot Freddie Falcon flew in for a virtual visit to share tips on being active and eating right.

Freddie Falcon told all of his new friends about Fuel Up to Play 60, a national in-school health and wellness program of the National Football League and the National Dairy Council. Fuel Up to Play 60’s primary focus is to help schools meet their wellness goals and encourage youth to consume nutrient-rich foods (low-fat and fat-free dairy, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and lean protein foods) and achieve at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

Debbie Fannin’s Pre-K class at Inman Elementary enjoyed a virtual visit with Atlanta Falcons mascot Freddie Falcon.