New case rate for Fayette falls under 5% following mini-surge


More than 1 out of every 4 residents has now been fully vaccinated — 

DPH chart shows vaccination numbers in Fayette County.
DPH chart shows vaccination numbers in Fayette County.

The 2-week rate of test-confirmed new Fayette County Covid cases rose to a weekly high of 5.9% last Thursday, April 27, but them began falling to just under the closely watched 5% mark by Monday, April 26, according to data from the Georgia Department of Public Health.

Meanwhile, 30,136 Fayette residents have been fully vaccinated with one of the three Covid vaccines, DPH reported. That’s one-quarter of the county population. If you add in the 6,598 residents who have tested positive for the infection, more than 30% of the county’s population has either received the shot or had the virus.

In the time period from last Tuesday to April 26, the total new Fayette cases rose by 51 to a Monday total of 6,598 confirmed cases since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, according to DPH data. New cases’ daily increases ranged from a low of 4 to a high of 12.

During that period, DPH tallied another Fayette Covid fatality on Saturday — a 90-year-old white female with no underlying medical condition. The pandemic death toll for this county is now 152, which represents a death rate among confirmed cases of 2.31%, or slightly over 2 persons for every 100 people who were tested and were confirmed as positive.

In addition, DPH estimates that another 15 Fayette fatalities over the past year might have died of Covid but whose deaths were listed as being from other causes.

Since the pandemic beginning, 255 Fayette residents have been hospitalized for treatment of Covid, DPH reports.

Across the state, 1,161 persons are in hospitals being treated for Covid (see accompanying chart). That’s 7.7% of all patients in hospital beds currently, down from a surge high in January of more than one-third of all hospital beds being used for treating coronavirus patients.

The state total of all Covid cases is now at 876,146, with a death toll of 17,421, or 1.99% of all confirmed cases.