Fayetteville Council again postpones action on eastside annexation request, extends mixed-use moratorium to June 7


Here are the actions taken by the Fayetteville City Council at the May 16, 2024 meeting:

Present: Mayor Edward Johnson, Council Members Rich Hoffman, Joe Clark, Niyah Glover, and Scott Stacy. Council Member Darryl Langford was absent. City Attorney present was Patrick Jaugstetter. Staff members present were City Manager Ray Gibson, and Interim City Clerk Chelsea Siemen.

Call to Order

Opening Prayer

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Approval of Agenda — Stacy moved to approve the agenda with the amendment to table item #5 until July 18, 2024. Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

1. Approval of the Minutes from the April 18, 2024, City Council Regular Meeting. Motion – Clark, Second – Glover, approved unanimously

2. Approval of the Minutes from the April 30, 2024, City Council Work Session – Motion – Hoffman, Second – Stacy, approved unanimously.


3. Fayette Factor Youth Community Event Proposal Presentation

4. GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award — Year 18


5. Consider #0-02-24 and #0-03-24 — Requests from Crescent Communities, for the property located at Hwy. 54 East/Weatherly Drive/Knight Way (Parcel No. 053116006), to amend the Future Land Use Map from Neighborhood Center to Mixed Residential and to rezone the property from Neighborhood Commercial to Residential Townhouse and Condominium (R-THC). REQUEST TO TABLE — Tabled (postponed).


6. Consider R-22-24 – Extension of Moratorium on Downtown Mixed-Use Zoning Districts until June 7, 2024: Presented by City Manager Ray Gibson. Motion – Stacy, Second – Clark, approved unanimously.


City Manager & Staff Reports

City Council and Committee Reports Mayors Comments & Public Comments

EXECUTIVE SESSION — Motion – Hoffman, Second – Stacy, approved unanimously.

7. Executive Session to discuss Potential Litigation


(Council adjourned.)