Fayette schools watchful about spread of coronavirus


With two cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) having been confirmed in Fulton County, the Fayette County School System on March 3 noted the health protocols being followed at schools and recommended preventative measures which should be taken in the community.

“We have recently reviewed several inquiries about the impact of the Wuhan coronavirus on our school communities. We continue to keep the health and well-being of our students and staff as our highest priority,” said school system spokesperson Melinda Berry-Driesbach.

Berry-Dreisbach said there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 in Fayette County, noting the two cases confirmed in Fulton County by Gov. Kemp on March 2. Kemp said an individual returned from traveling to Milan, Italy, and along with a family member, had tested positive and are being quarantined at their home.

“Our coordinator of school health and school nurses continue to receive updates and guidance on sign and symptoms of the coronavirus. Our school system is working closely with the Fayette County Department of Public Health, and we are monitoring information that is being released from the Centers from Disease Control (CDC),” said Berry-Dreisbach.

Berry-Driesbach said the school system is continuing to follow the regular health protocol of disinfecting surfaces such as desks, handles, door knobs, computer keyboards and other highly-touched areas.

Noting the preventative measures emphasized to students and staff that can also be practiced in the community, Berry-Dreisbach said those include:

• Washing hands frequently

• Avoiding touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands

• Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

• Staying home if sick and running a fever

• Coughing or sneezing into the elbow or use tissue to cover it, then throw the tissue in the trash

Berry-Dreisbach said the school system will make updates to the website (fcboe.org) and social media channels if any significant information becomes available, adding that the community will be notified of contingency if an outbreak should occur.