Enrollment increases again at Southern Crescent Technical College for fall semester


Enrollment at Southern Crescent Technical College is on the rise yet again for Fall Semester. The latest uptick is in this Fall semester s enrollment which indicates that 5,256 students are registered, marking an 8.3 percent in total enrollment and a 7.1% increase in full-time equivalency when compared with SCTC’s Fall Semester 2018 figures.

These numbers are roughly double the statewide average enrollment growth across the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG), which has expanded by about 4-5% during the same time period. All numbers are courtesy of the TCSG data center.

Fayette enrollment at SCTC is up from 482 in the fall of 2018 to 535 this year. Fayette high school students enrolled at SCTC has increased from 177 last year to 249 this fall.

At Southern Crescent Technical College, the year-over-year increases began in 2017, when 4,756 students enrolled, which was up 1% percent over the 2016 Fall semester enrollment of 4,703. Since that time, enrollment has been on a steady incline, with a 3% increase in 2018 and a 7.2% increase in 2019.

Of the 5,256 students registered for Fall Semester, reports show that 34.2% of that number reside in Henry County. Additionally, 18.2% are from Spalding County and 10.2% are from Fayette County.

Our current enrollment increase is attributed to several factors including the growth of high school dual enrollment programs, a strong commitment to serving students by faculty and staff, and the expansion of facilities and programs, according to Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Xenia Johns.

Boosting enrollment has been a goal for Southern Crescent Technical College President Dr. Alvetta Thomas, who has worked diligently across all divisions of the College to increase enrollment since she came on board in December of 2016.

 In the past few years, we have been laser-focused on data at Southern Crescent Technical College in the attempt to move the needle in a few key areas. I am thrilled to report that our efforts have had positive results with not only increased enrollment, but an increased graduation rate, an increased retention rate, and an increase in the number of awards conferred.

 Our mission at Southern Crescent Technical College is workforce development and it is evident that we are responding to the needs of our community. When the numerous career options available in our region for graduates with the skills offered by SCTC are coupled with the low cost of attendance, there is no doubt why Southern Crescent Technical College continues to make a marked impact on this area s workforce,” SCTC President Dr. Alvetta Thomas continued. “It is encouraging to see more students taking advantage of the tremendous opportunities afforded to them because of the Hope Career Grant and increased financial aid options. Additionally, with a stellar job placement rate and the demand for SCTC graduates far exceeding supply, we are extremely optimistic that this enrollment growth will continue.

One noted area of enrollment growth can be found in the number of students taking advantage of the Dual Enrollment program at Southern Crescent Technical College. Reports indicate that SCTC currently has 1,319 dually enrolled students in various programs and from various schools in SCTC s eight-county footprint.

The Dual Enrollment program allows high school students to take academic degree and diploma level core courses and occupational courses that are eligible to transfer to any TCSG or USG college or university. Some students may choose to enroll fully into a degree, diploma or technical certificate of credit program, or they may choose to just take a few courses. All college coursework taken through Dual enrollment is fully covered through the state of Georgia funding, and students are not required to pay out of pocket for tuition, college fees, or textbooks.

According to Dr. Drew Todd, Director of Recruitment at Southern Crescent Technical College,  The Dual Enrollment program saves students time and money and we are thrilled to see more and more students taking advantage of this opportunity. Being able to jump-start your career by taking these classes is certainly worth the extra effort.

Overall, Fall Semester 2019 enrollment in the 22 colleges of Technical College System of Georgia was more than 100,000 students, according to a report released today.

About Southern Crescent Technical College

Southern Crescent Technical College is a multi-campus unit of the Technical College System of Georgia and serves the workforce and community needs of Butts, Fayette, Henry, Jasper, Lamar, Pike, Spalding, and Upson counties. The College is a public, accredited, two-year post-secondary institution serving a diverse student population by offering over 200 academic credit programs and services, adult education, continuing education and programs customized for business and industry. Southern Crescent Technical College is committed to excellence and is characterized by outstanding instruction, a comprehensive commitment to state-of-the-industry training and workforce development, and a close connection to the community. As the College grows, Southern Crescent Technical College will continue to expand its educational programs and facilities to provide students with enhanced opportunities for career success. For more information on Southern Crescent Technical College or its offerings, please visit www.sctech.edu