Sheri Rene Ruiz, age 58

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Sheri Rene Ruiz
Sheri Rene Ruiz

Sheri was born on June 19, 1960 and lived in Southern California for most of her life. She was a sweet girl from the beginning. She enjoyed being part of a large family, one of six children, and being one of the youngest. Family vacations and travel were more fun when she was along. She was very extroverted and made friends wherever she went. She love to laugh and tell jokes. She was a good student, and after she graduated from high school, she met and married Steve Ruiz. Their first baby was Jaclyn, a beautiful little girl who died of kidney cancer at two years of age. Despite their sadness, they once again knew joy when their son, Timothy, was born a couple years later. Unfortunately Sheri and Steve divorced.

As a single parent, Sheri always made sure that Timothy spent fun times with his extended family. Sheri excelled working in the medical insurance business and was soon promoted into management. She met Victor Villalobos and enjoyed a 25 year long relationship with him.

Sheri moved to Georgia in an attempt to make a fresh start in life. She enjoyed working at Kroger and, met her boyfriend, Brad Pritchett, when he came through her checkout line. She appreciated the company of her co-workers, customers, and new friends. She missed her son Timothy, spoke of him often, and was very proud of him.

Sheri was a voracious reader and used the public library often wherever she lived. She also liked making jewelry and was very talented in designing it. She wanted to sell the jewelry and make extra money but, most often would end up giving it to friends. Sheri was an exceptional cook and we loved sampling whatever she made. She was crazy about the Kansas City Chiefs football team her whole live and she even flew to Kansas City to watch them play for special games.

Sheri passed away unexpectedly on April 22, 2019 at her home. Those who preceded her in death were her daughter, Jaclyn Ruiz; her mother, Marian Hurd; and her sister, Sandra Burton. She leaves behind and is sorely missed by her son, Timothy Ruiz; her father, Bryce Wheeler; her stepmother, Susan Downs; her sisters, Mary Christopher and Louann Moore; her brothers, Scott Wheeler and Joe Stewart; her brother-in-law, Robert Christopher; her sister-in-law, Debby Wheeler; and her nieces and nephews, Natalie Tejeda-Tipton Jacqueline Stewart-Reed, Melissa Moore, Derek Moore, Daniel Christopher, Robert Wheeler, Scott Christopher; and Kristeen Wheeler.

The arrangements were made by Carmichael-Hemperley Funeral Home & Crematory.