4-H students compete


Fayette County 4-H members Joey Beaulieu, Gabrielle Dockery, Lilianna Scalf, Allison Spinney, Abigail Beaulieu, Jonathan Mize, and Emily Treon competed Nov. 9 in the 4-H Area Cotton Boll Consumer Judging Contest.

Participants were divided into a junior team of grades 4-8 and a senior team of grades 9-12. Both teams placed fifth in the district.

The team was coached by Sara Kahley with assistance from 4-H youth development agent April McDaniel and 4-H program assistant Matt Godwin.  

Prior to the competition, 4-H members attend practices and learn how to observe, compare, and make decisions based on facts collected. The process provides experience in organizing thoughts and defending decisions.

At the two-part contest 4-H’ers learn to evaluate consumer items based on standards and quality and to give reasons for placement of items. In the second part, 4-H’ers promote cotton by presenting a public service announcement about cotton.

To learn more about this and other 4-H programs, contact the Fayette County UGA Cooperative Extension Office at 770-305-5412 or www.ugaextension.org/fayette/4h.