Cafeterias show spirit during National School Lunch Week


The Fayette County School System will join other school systems throughout the nation to celebrate National School Lunch Week Oct. 10-14.

President John F. Kennedy established National School Lunch Week in 1962 to draw attention to the federally funded National School Lunch Program that provides lunches to millions of students in over 100,000 schools nationwide, including Fayette. Each year there is a different theme; this year’s theme is “Show Your Spirit.”

Cafeterias in all schools will show their spirit during the week with special menu offerings such as chili cheese hotdogs, beef and cheddar nachos, chicken nuggets, and hot wings. Desserts will also be offered each day including chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, jello with whipped topping, and cherry fruit freeze.

School lunches give students the nourishment and energy they need to focus on classroom learning by providing nutritionally balanced, healthy meals everyday during the school week. School meals are required to meet federal nutrition standards that include offering fruits and vegetables every day, serving whole-grain rich foods, and limiting fat, calories and sodium.