Firefighters climb Stone Mountain


On the morning of Sept. 11, 16 members of the Fayetteville Fire Department and two officers from the Fayetteville Police Department challenged themselves to a one-mile climb (equivalent to 160 flights of stairs) to the summit of Stone Mountain to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

Wearing a full compliment of firefighting gear, the group members tested their own endurance in honor of the sacrifices made by 343 firefighters and paramedics who lost their lives on 9/11.

The group assembled at the base of the mountain and at 9 a.m. began a hike of approximately 90 minutes – a little longer than the average person would take in civilian casual attire.

Wearing the same gear the firefighters and police responders wore 15 years ago today – and wear every day in communities around the country – they caught the attention of several guests wanting to say “thank you” and take pictures, according to attendees of the event.