Seeking citizens interested in regional water resources


The Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District (Metro Water District) is seeking interested residents from Fayette County to serve on the Flint Basin Advisory Council, one of six councils in the 15-county region that help develop and implement water resources plans for the region. The councils provide valuable input to the Metro Water District’s planning process and related implementation activities by representing the wide variety of stakeholders that rely on the region’s water resources.

The Metro Water District encourages interested citizens to apply as well as persons who represent environmental, business, real estate, recreation, neighborhood, agriculture, utility, academic, water resources and other interests.

Individuals must reside within the river basin of the council for which they apply. Members serve two-year terms and may be reappointed for additional terms. Councils hold regular quarterly meetings but may also hold special meetings as needed to provide input on Metro Water District activities and actions.

The application for Basin Advisory Council membership is available at The deadline to apply is April 30.

For more information, contact the Metro Water District at 404.656.5186 or [email protected].