Driver course at library


Cars have changed, and so have traffic rules, driving conditions, and the roads you travel every day. Even the most experienced drivers can benefit from brushing up on their driving skills.

The AARP Smart Driver course, offered by AARP Driver Safety, is the nation’s largest driver safety course and is designed especially for drivers age 50 and older. By taking the AARP Smart Driver course you’ll learn the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques, and how to operate your vehicle more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment. In addition, you’ll learn:

· How to minimize the effects of dangerous blind spots.

· How to maintain the proper following distance behind another car.

· The safest ways to change lanes and make turns at busy intersections.

· Proper use of seatbelts, airbags, anti-lock brakes, and new technology found in cars.

· Ways to monitor your own and others’ driving skills and capabilities.

· The effects of medications on driving.

· The importance of eliminating distractions, such as eating, smoking, and using a cell phone.

You may be eligible to receive a multi-year auto insurance discount upon completing the course (consult your insurance agent for details). AARP membership is not required to take the course and there are no tests to pass.

Take the AARP Smart Driver course Monday, March 21, at 9 a.m. at the Peachtree City Library. The classroom course costs $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. Space is limited, so register now by calling the library’s reference desk at 770-631-2520.