Annual retreat replaced by monthly workshops


Peachtree City officials are moving this year from an annual all-day City Council retreat to multiple evening workshops.

“We need to take a broader look at Peachtree City’s future and begin developing a strategy to meet upcoming challenges,” said city manager Jon Rorie, who felt a series of evening workshops would provide better opportunity for citizens to participate in the process and allow the council to focus on issues and challenges we face as a community.

“We want input from our citizens on who we are as a community, and what we want to be in the next 20 years,” he said. “This is more than a one-day event, so we need to take the time to gather the input for proper planning.”

The process will kick off Feb. 9 at 6:30 p.m. with a review of the goals and objectives set in 2015. March will provide an overview of statistics and demographic trends, and April will address past and current citizen input from surveys and committees such as the One PTC Comprehensive Plan meetings and the Needs Assessment Committee.

In May, the subject will shift to adequate service levels to maintain Peachtree City’s “brand,” followed by the 2016 goals prioritization in June.

Dates reserved for workshop discussions include March 1, April 5, May 3 and June 7. Budget workshops are scheduled for June 27 and July 5.