County takes first steps toward new Tyrone fire station


The ball is rolling for the construction of a new county fire station at the intersection of Ga. Highway 74 and Jenkins Road.

The fire station, once complete, will replace the current fire station in downtown Tyrone, which has suffered from septic system problems for a number of years.
The architectural contract has been awarded to The Howell Group of Marietta for $98,000. The county received proposals from 24 different companies, and four of those companies were selected for the first round.

Each of the four firms made a presentation to a committee of county fire and which chose The Howell Group based on the presentations, follow up questions from the committee and a reference check of past clients, county officials said in a memo to the Fayette County Commission.

“… The Howell Group was the consensus of the committee as the best overall combination of relevant experience, professional approach and other considerations as compared to price quotes,” the memo said.

Fire officials noted that The Howell Group has performed similar services for 13 fire stations in Cobb County and several in Henry County as well.

The county is moving away from its previous fire station design because it is more costly for the future expansion of the equipment bay, said Public Safety Director Allen McCullough.

The lowest-cost proposal came from Acreage to Eden, Inc. with the next-highest bidder, K.A. Oldham Design, Inc. at $81.650.
Four of the proposals topped the $200,000 mark.