Pregnancy Resource Center has groundbreaking Oct. 2


The Pregnancy Resource Center of Fayette County will be building a new home, with the Frame Up to be on Saturday, Oct. 2.

It will be located on Ga. Highway 54 East in Fayetteville across from Pies on Pizza and beside Right On Thyme Catering.

The construction is in conjunction with Square Foot Ministry, and the 6,000-square-foot building will be available to offer free ultrasounds and exams to new moms who are considering abortions, and will house all training, classes and clothing storage on site.

If you have building materials that you or your business would like to donate as a tax deductible gift, call 770-719-2288.

The Pregnancy Resource Center has been opened here since May of 1994. Since opening, thousands of families have been helped and many have come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.

The staff consists of a director and two part-time personnel. The day-to-day operation is done by a team of over 30 volunteers. The center is a private Christian organization which receives no state or federal funds, and operates totally on donations from churches, individuals, and businesses.

Square Foot Ministry is also a Christian based home repair and construction ministry in Fayette County. Besides new homes, the first non-profit office building it constructed was The Fayette Samaritans.

All those who wish to help in this venture, are asked to turn out Saturday morning, Oct. 2.