Town Square Jewelers announces ‘My Mother is a Gem’ contest


Children grades K-5 are invited to enter the “My Mother is a Gem” contest and win a beautiful Amethyst and Diamond pendant valued at $500 to give to their mother on May 9. The prize necklace may be viewed in the store Monday through Saturday 10 a.m.- 6 p.m.  Children are asked to write a short paragraph explaining why they feel their “Mother is a Gem.” No purchase or donation is necessary. The length is limited to one page with the child’s first name and grade or age on the front.  Contact information including phone number and parents name on the back of the entry. All entries must be submitted to Town Square Jewelers by close of business Mar. 30.  

A panel of judges will select three letters from each grade level and they will be posted in the store from Apr. 15-30.  Customers will be invited to vote for their favorite letter. One letter will be the announced as the winner on May 1. The other seventeen finalists will be awarded smaller tokens for their mothers. Town Square Jewelers is located on the Square in Fayetteville at 101 East Stonewall Ave. For more details or questions please contact Maggie Zerkus at or 770-460-7787. Information and more details can also be picked up at the store.