Southside Theatre Guild news


Southside Sidekicks Close Season with Audience’s Choice:
Southside Theatre Guild’s improv troupe, the Southside Sidekicks, will conclude their season with a show called Comedy à la Carte on Saturday, Aug. 13. What makes this show different from other improv comedy shows is that the audience will select which games the troupe will play from a large menu.

“Improv players always have to be able to think quickly on their feet to incorporate prompts from the audience,” said director Mike Boylan. “The Sidekicks will have to be even quicker this time as they don’t know which game is coming next. There is no set list, so there is really no comfort zone this time out.”

The Sidekicks have had a successful season operating under a theme called Mission
Improvable. They rehearse each weekend and have even taken their show on the road this
year. The group is excited to try something new as they accept all of the zany suggestions from the audience.

“If you’ve never been to an improv show, this is the one to try,” said Boylan. “The performers have worked hard all year and are ready to present a fast-paced, frenetic, and family friendly show.”

Comedy à la Carte will take place at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 13 at Southside Theatre Guild in Fairburn (20 W. Campbellton St.). Tickets are $10 and will be sold at the door.
For more information on the Southside Sidekicks or Southside Theatre Guild, visit

Southside Theatre Guild Launches Youth Program:
Southside Theatre Guild in Fairburn is seeking students in grades 6-12 who are passionate
about the performing arts to join the Southside Associates. Starting in September, the group will meet from 10 a.m. to Noon on the first and third Saturdays of the month to engage in activities and experiences to grow artistically and professionally.

“We’re excited to teach students who are eager to learn the craft of theater in a collaborative, creative and supportive environment,” said Amy Beaucham, one of the founders of the program. “We believe each participant will not only flourish within the area of theatrical arts but also enrich their lives and provide a way to further contribute to their community.” The yearly tuition of $50 will go towards class lessons materials, production costs, t-shirts, snacks, and incidentals. All instructors and supervisors are volunteers and there will be support for any youth in need of assistance covering tuition.

To register for the youth program, visit