Fayette Daybreak Rotary Club Helping Fight Food Insecurity


Thanks to a gift from incoming District Governor (DG), George Granade, local
area Rotarians are working together to fight food insecurity in our community. Granade, 2022-2023 DG for Rotary District 6900, donated soybean seeds to all incoming club presidents to help fight hunger in their area.

The Rotary Club of Fayette Daybreak (fayettedaybreak.org) is pleased to be part of a 5-club
collaborative project that is doing just that. Initiated by J.D. Holmes, incoming club president of the Peachtree City Rotary Club, the project involves presidents and club members planting, tending, and eventually harvesting the soybeans to be donated to help feed those in need. The Real Life Center in Tyrone generously provided a plot of land for the Rotarians to use, and the soybeans are growing nicely. The project includes presidents and club members from the Peachtree City, Newnan, Lake Spivey/Clayton County, Fayetteville, and Fayette Daybreak Rotary Clubs.

“Promoting food security is a great initiative to help combat hunger,” says Giddy Ticha, 2022-2023 club president for the Fayette Daybreak club. “Being involved with this collaborative project has been great team work, and great fun, with friendly leaders working together to serve our community.”