Kedron cooks up restaurant concepts


At Kedron Elementary they love to cook up new ways to learn. Students in the 5th-grade classes of Tabatha Dearman and Melissa Heaton combined their math expertise into a real-world activity by creating their own restaurants.

Challenged with designing their own establishments with a unique menu, the class settled on four themes: The Japanese Restaurant, Back to the Future, Comet Cafe, and Comedy Cafe.

On restaurant days, they brought in food and worked as chefs, waiters, hosts, and bussers, and they also had a turn being the customer. After reviewing their decimal skills, they practiced calculating total amounts, including taxes, along with saving enough money to give a tip at the end.

Dearman believes the lesson gave the students a new perspective on hard work.

“I hope they took away that all jobs are important, and it is imperative that they always show kindness and leave a tip.”