Mayor huddles up with Huddleston


Huddleston Elementary 2nd graders turned to an expert when it came time to talk about government. Peachtree City Mayor Kim Learnard huddled up with the Hounds to talk about elected officials and the need for rules and laws.

To help students better understand the role of a mayor and elected officials, Huddleston reached out to Mayor Learnard, and she jumped at the chance to come in and talk to classes. Students wrote additional questions for her, so, after her presentation, she answered the students’ questions.

“Mayor Learnard did a FABULOUS job telling the students all about her responsibilities as mayor, projects she is currently working on, the budget for the city, and how she works with the city council,” said teacher Lucy Coleman. “The students (and teachers) learned so much! It was a wonderful experience for the students, and it made the concept of government much easier for seven and eight year olds to understand.”

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.

Peachtree City Mayor Kim Learnard huddled up with Huddleston Elementary 2nd graders to talk about elected officials and the need for rules and laws.