Pre-K Cardinals have a ball at Fairytale Ball


The unit on fairytales ended happily ever after for the Cardinals, as students in Ashley Fannin and Alanson Ricca’s Pre-K class celebrated all they learned with a spectacular Fairytale Ball!

The class had just completed a month-long unit on fairytales, and it was time for a bit of fun. After learning the elements of a fairytale along with studying characters, setting, and problem/solution, they compared and contrasted many different versions of classic fairytales like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, and The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

They then swirled together everything they learned into a big celebration with a Fairytale Ball where they danced, played, and feasted on fairytale-themed treats.

Fannin hopes the activity is a memory her students carry with them long after they leave her classroom.

“We hope that they take away a life-long love of reading!”

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.