Peeples K-Kids give to furry friends

The Peeples Elementary Kiwanis Kids donated handmade dog toys to the Fayette County Animal Shelter, along with items collected during a pet supply drive.

Dogs are man’s best friends, and Peeples Elementary recently returned their friendship by donating handmade dog toys to the Fayette County Animal Shelter, along with items collected during a pet supply drive.

The activity was a monthly service project of the K-Kids (Kiwanis Kids) Club at Peeples. K-Kids is a community service organization for elementary school students with a passion to serve, desire to lead, and ability to engage and collaborate with others to better serve their school and community.

The club meets monthly and develops projects that provide a service to the community, and past projects include selling tickets to the annual Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast and making cards and decorations for senior citizens.

“Our hope is that students understand the importance of giving back and advocating for others,” said teacher Elaine Wingfield. “We want them to understand that your time is just as valuable as money when it comes to serving our community.”

— Provided by the Fayette County School System.