8 Fayetteville owners wish they had locked their vehicles


A word to the wise: lock your vehicle when not in it. A rash of entering auto incidents at three apartment complexes were reported to Fayetteville police on Aug. 12. Though ransacked, no items were reported stolen, and none of the vehicles showed signs of forced entry.

Two of the entering auto incidents reported on Aug. 12 occurred at the Cobblestone Apartments on Cobblestone Boulevard, according to Fayetteville Police Department spokesperson Ann Marie Burdett.

Police met with the owner, who could not remember if they locked their car doors before discovering their vehicle entered.

There were no signs of forced entry on the vehicle and the vehicle did not appear to be damaged, Burdett said.

In the second incident, the driver’s door was found open and papers were strewn on the floorboard, she added.

Also on Aug. 12, there were six entering autos reported at the Residences at Southpointe Apartments on South Jeff Davis Drive.

In one of those, there were no signs of forced entry and the vehicle did not appear to be damaged. No items were taken, though the glove box in the vehicle was found open, said Burdett.

In four of the incidents, vehicles were ransacked, with one of the owners saying the vehicle was unlocked and the others saying they were unsure if the vehicles had been locked.

The owner of the final vehicle entered told police the trunk was found open and the driver’s door not completely shut. There were no signs of forced entry, Burdett said, adding that the vehicle had been ransacked.

Three of the entering auto incidents occurred at the Meridian at Lafayette Apartments on Ga. Highway 54 West.

As with the other incidents reported on Aug. 12, nothing was reported stolen and none of the vehicles showed signs of forced entry.

The trunk and door of one of the vehicle’s was left open, and items were strewn on the ground around the vehicle, Burdett said.

A large portion of the parking at the complex is gated.

The cases were turned over to the Fayetteville Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Division for further investigation.

As has so often been stated in entering auto stories at TheCitizen.com, law enforcement continuously advises that motorists lock their vehicles at home and in the community, and never leave valuables in plain sight.