DPH: Fayette’s most Covid-vulnerable age groups are fully vaccinated


Covid-19 vaccination numbers provided by the Georgia Department of Public Health May 9 show 100% of the age 75 and above group in Fayette County have been vaccinated.

The 65 to 74 age group of Fayette residents is nearly 89% vaccinated, and the 55 to 64 age group is above 60%, DPH numbers show.

The least vaccinated groups in Fayette? Ages 24 and under, according to the DPH spreadsheet. The DPH figures record zero vaccinations statewide for ages 14 and under, mainly because the three most widely used vaccines have a lower age limit of 16. The shots aren’t allowed yet for younger teenagers and children.

All those numbers added together show that at least 35% of Fayette’s residents are fully vaccinated, while 43% have received at least one shot of the 2-shot variety of vaccines. (See nearby chart.)

Here are the DPH figures:

Vaccinations by age in Fayette County as of May 9, 2021

15-19 — 1,005 of 8,848 (11.4%)

20-24 — 1,942 of 6,899 (28.1%)

25-34 — 4,412 of 9,698 (45.5%)

35-44 — 5,311 of 12,447 (42.7%)

45-54 — 6,986 of 17,587 (39.7%)

55-64 — 10,136 of 16,654 (60.9%)

65-74 — 10,667 of 12,059 (88.5%)

75-84 — 5,856 of 5,142 (100%+)

85+ — 1,986 of 1,888 (100%+)

(Totals based on 2018 Census;

vaccination number based on actual injections)

The 100%+ groups show vaccine coverage above the number of persons counted in those groups in 2018, 3 years ago. The likely explanations: Younger people aged into those groups and more people of that age moved into Fayette into the past 3 years.

Among the under-middle-age groups, the 25 to 34 age group seems to have best heeded the message: “Get your Covid shot!” Of that cohort, 4,412 of 9,698 have been immunized — 45.5% of them.

The least immunized group: ages 15 to 19 at 11.4%. But the valid argument could be that this age group is among the least likely to suffer serious consequences from the infection. In Fayette, the youngest person to die of Covid was a 32-year-old white male with unerlying medical conditions, according to the DPH chart of deaths. The fatalities so far since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 are 153 Fayette residents, DPH reported.