Agenda for the October 24 Fayette County Commission meeting


Here’s the published agenda for the October 24 Fayette County Commission meeting:


October 24, 2019

6:30 p.m.

Welcome to the meeting of your Fayette County Board of Commissioners. Your participation in County government is appreciated. All regularly scheduled Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

Call to Order

Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Edward Gibbons

Acceptance of Agenda


1. Recognition of Leah Williamson and J.R. Ramos for their efforts and support of the Water Guardians volunteer program.

2. Recognition of awardees for the Fayette County Public Arts Committee 2019 Scarecrow Competition.

3. Recognition of the Public Works Roads Crew.

4. Presentation and update from the Fayette County Board of Health regarding vaping in Fayette County.


5. Consideration of Petition No. 1288-19, Rebecca A. Handley and Nancy McCord, Handley Family Trust Co-Trustees, Owners and Rod Wright Corp, Agent, request to rezone 5.85 acres from A-R to R-55; property located in Land Lot 31 of the 5th District, and fronts on Redwine Road with two (2) conditions.

6. Consideration of Petition No. RP-073-19, for Bogdan C. Wolfe and Pamela M. Wolfe, Owners, and Randy Boyd, Agent, request to revise the Final Plat of Bogdan C. Wolfe and Pamela M. Wolfe to add one lot to the subdivision; property located in Land Lot 252 of the 4th District and fronts on McBride Road.


Speakers will be given a five (5) minute maximum time limit to speak before the Board of Commissioners about various topics, issues, and concerns. Speakers must direct comments to the Board. Responses are reserved at the discretion of the Board.


7. Approval of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) Title VI; Non-Discrimination Agreement and Assurances (40 CFR Part 21.7).

8. Approval to amend the 2017 SPLOST Stormwater fund (32240320) reallocating $57,000 from 2017 SPLOST General allocations to Morning Dove Drive (17SAJ) and to approve Task Order #13 Construction Management: 2017 SPLOST; Stormwater Category II; Morning Dove Drive Culvert Replacement to the current Engineer of Record Pond and Company.

9. Approval to renew the annual bid #1723-B to Hanson Aggregates Southeast LLC as primary vendor for stone for fiscal year 2020 with a not-to-exceed contract amount of $144,496.75.

10. Approval of staff’s recommendation to authorize the Fayette County Solicitor’s Office to accept FY2020 VOCA Continuation Base and Comp Advocate funding from the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, in the amount of $77,778 for a grant period from October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 and authorization for the Chairman to sign grant related documentation.

11. Approval of the October 10, 2019 Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes.


12. Consideration of the County Attorney’s recommendation to deny a disposition of tax refund, as requested by Paulette Malloy, for tax year 2016, 2017 and 2018. This item was tabled at the October 10, 2019 Board of Commissioners meeting.