Fayette’s Terry Oatts named to be Rockdale schools superintendent

Terry Oatts
Terry Oatts

Fayette County School System Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement Dr. Terry Oatts will be leaving for his new post as superintendent of the Rockdale County School System. Oatts has served in Fayette since June 2014.

“Serving as assistant superintendent of Student Achievement for Fayette County Public Schools for the last four years has been one of the highlights of my professional career,” Oatts said. “The opportunity to support and supervise those who are charged with supporting our teachers, leaders, and support personnel has been a tremendous honor and privilege.”

Oatts said his aspirations to serve as a superintendent led him to apply for the Rockdale County superintendent vacancy.

“I am honored and feel deeply privileged to have been named the next superintendent of Rockdale County Public Schools,” said Oatts. “Both my viability and readiness for this position are in no small part due to the invaluable experience I’ve amassed here in Fayette County, for which I am grateful.”

Oatts previously served as capacities such as principal of Dutchtown High School in Hampton, Woodland Middle School and Stockbridge Elementary School, both in Stockbridge.