Don’t wait, thank a veteran today


My husband John an I attended his “Vinh Long Outlaws Association” reunion. This was our first, but the celebration was the 51st year since the “Outlaws” were formed as part of air assault in Vietnam.

Never before had I fully understood the special bond between combat veterans. Seeing these men together after 50 years, picking up right where they left off, was something to behold. Realizing how much they had truly depended on each other for their very survival in the skies and the jungle that was the stage of the Mekong Delta in South Vietnam was something I will never forget.

John was 20 years old when he was a crew chief on his #21 B-Model Huey helicopter. He received a Purple Heart for a shoulder wound when the Vinh Long Compound was mortared, and #21 was destroyed. I was a senior in nursing school, praying for his safe return. Upon his recovery in a Saigon field hospital, he was given a new #21 D-Model Huey.

At the reunion, we met women who were Vietnam widows and one young lady who had lost her father there. I was also reminded through the stories I heard of our many “walking wounded.” A special part of our last dinner was a humbling and sacred Missing Comrade Ceremony.

Next month we will celebrate Veterans Day just three days after Election Day. Don’t wait until then to thank a veteran for his or her service, or to thank family members for their sacrifice of one who is currently serving.

To honor the sacrifice of all our veterans, please do vote. Many of them have given life and limb so that we may have that privilege.

Sherry Diamond
(Former Fayette resident)
Clarkesville, Ga.