Free workshop for parents


The school system’s CARE (Children at Risk in Education) program is sponsoring a free STEP (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting) workshop for parents of students at all grade levels.

The seven-week workshop will help parents better understand their child’s behavior, and improve communication with their child. Discipline that makes sense and other parenting topics will be discussed.

The workshop will run September through November with classes meeting Tuesdays at the LaFayette Educational Center, located at 205 LaFayette Avenue in Fayetteville. Meetings will be held in “B” building, Room 216, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Class dates are Sept. 20 and 27; Oct. 4, 11, 18, and 25; and Nov. 1 and 8.            

Parents interested in attending should contact their child’s school counselor for more information. Spaces are limited, so early registration is encouraged.

The registration form can be downloaded at and the completed form turned in to the school counselor. Click on the “Programs” tab and select the “Student Assistance Services (CARE)” link. The STEP parenting class link is on the left.