For Fayette, no tax hikes, no pay raises


County Commission considers budget of $128 million

County officials unveiled the proposed budget for the 2017 fiscal year last week at a special called workshop, and the Fayette County Board of Commissioners is expected to adopt it at the end of this month after two scheduled public hearings.

The first public hearing is set for Tuesday, June 7, at 7 p.m. The second hearing and adoption of the budget would take place Thursday, June 30, at 7 p.m.

The total projected budget is just barely above $128 million and would be the fourth straight year in which revenue exceeds expenditures, this time by about $110,000.

A printed copy of the detailed budget is available for review at the county administrative building as well as at the public library. The budget presentation from last week’s workshop can be seen on the county’s website.

During the workshop the board also reviewed a chart showing Fayette County with a lower millage rate for county taxes than any of the surrounding counties and nearly all of the metro Atlanta region.

County staff included the following items categorized as “significant operational budget considerations”:

General Fund impact from maintenance and operations is a positive $110,822.

There are no property tax increase.

Changes in personnel levels protect the existing service delivery to citizens.

The budget continues to maintain the commitment to balance current year revenues with current year expenses and no use of unassigned fund balance.

Healthcare projected run-outs and expected claims are funded while creating a stabilization fund for future claims.

Defined Benefit Plan funding is incorporated over required levels.

There is no funding for a cost-of-living increase or one-time payment incentive.

Employee benefits such as medical/dental/vision insurance and defined benefit/contribution plan are maintained.

County officials stressed that revenue projections continue to be conservative while they also pointed out some positive economic trends affecting Fayette, such as increases in personal income and housing starts along with a drop in unemployment.

The general operating fund for the 2017 fiscal year currently stands at $28,648,875.

Other budget categories include $8,362,524 in special revenue funds, $82,830,986 in total enterprise funds (water system, stormwater management, solid waste/recycling), $7,357,912 in vehicles/equipment and $689,337 in recreation project contingency.