Fayette’s graduation rates improve


Dramatically higher for Asians, blacks, Hispanics; at 95%, Starr’s Mill tops among 5 high schools

School systems statewide are always looking to increase graduation rates. Fayette County is no exception and data on graduation rates across the Fayette County School System show a significant increase in all schools and nearly all subgroups at individual schools since 2012.

Overall, the graduation rates for the school system increased from 85.5 percent in 2012 to 92 percent in 2015.

A breakdown by subgroups showed the graduation rate among Asian students rose from 84.3 percent in 2012 to 97.5 percent in 2015. Similarly, black students graduating increased from 79.9 percent in 2012 to 91 percent in 2015. Hispanic students increased their graduation rates from 73.9 percent in 2012 to 84.8 percent in 2015. And with white students, their rates went from 88.8 percent in 2012 to 93.7 percent in 2015. Students with disabilities also saw an increase, with 56.8 percent of students graduating in 2012 compared to 71.1 percent in 2015.

Graduation rates at the county’s five public schools also saw increases over the period.

At Fayette County High School, the overall graduation rate was 75 percent in 2012. By 2015, the rate had increased to 88.4 percent.

A subgroup breakdown showed Asian students increasing their graduation rate from 75 percent in 2012 to 92.3 percent in 2015. Black students increased from 75 percent to 89.9 percent during the same period. Hispanic students rates rose from 68 percent to 85.3 percent while white students increased from 70 percent to 86.3 percent and students with disabilities increased significantly from 38 percent to 70.8 percent between 2012 and 2015.

McIntosh High School saw the overall graduation rate climb from 91 percent in 2012 to 92.9 percent in 2015.

The breakdown of subgroups showed Asian students increasing from 91 percent in 2012 to 100 percent in 2015. Black students graduated at a rate of 73 percent in 2012 and at a rate of 92.1 percent in 2015. Hispanic students decreased their graduation rates from 89 percent in 2012 to 76.3 percent in 2015. White students saw an increase during the period from 93 percent to 96.3 percent. Students with disabilities saw a decline during the period from 63 percent to 61.9 percent.

At Sandy Creek High School, the overall graduation rate climbed from 84 percent in 2012 to 89.4 percent in 2015.

The graduation rate for Asian students was 100 percent in 2012 though the school showed no Asian students during 2013-15. The rate for black students rose from 87 percent to 91.9 percent. Hispanic students increased their graduation rate from 63 percent to 82.8 percent during the period, white students increased from 83 percent to 89.7 percent and students with disabilities rose from 54 percent to 60 percent between 2012-2015.

Starr’s Mill High School had the county’s highest graduation rate, with 87 percent graduating in 2012 and 95.1 percent graduating in 2015.

The school listed no Asian students in 2015 though the 2014 rate was 93.8 percent. Black students graduated at a rate of 70 percent in 2012 and 91.2 percent in 2015. Hispanic students saw the 70 percent rate in 2012 climb to 88 percent in 2015. The rate for white students increased from 90 percent to 95.7 percent during the period while students with disabilities rose from 65 percent in 2012 to 77.4 percent in 2015.

At Whitewater High School the overall graduation rate rose from 92 percent in 2012 to 93.9 percent in 2015.

The only year with Asian students listed was in 2012 when 100 percent graduated. Black students in 2012 had a graduation rate of 92 percent compared to 94.5 percent in 2015. Hispanic students during the period had a rate of 82 percent and increased to 100 percent in 2015. White students decreased slightly during the period with a 93 percent rate in 2012 and a 92.8 percent rate in 2015. Students with disabilities graduated with a 70 percent rate in 2012, increasing to 78.1 percent in 2015.