Religion Briefs 09/23/15


Prince of Peace to honor Rudy
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Fayetteville, will host a “Farewell Service” on Sunday, Sept. 27, at 11:15 a.m. to honor Risë Rudy, who has served as choir director for the past 15 years. The community is also invited to the Pot Luck at 12:30 p.m. Ms. Rudy, as she was known as a music teacher for almost 30 years in the Fayette County School System, will soon relocate out of the area. Anyone who was taught by Ms. Rudy and any fellow teachers are encouraged to attend.

Holy Grove plans special service
On Sunday, Sept. 27,  at the 11 a.m. service, Holly Grove AME Church will host its Annual Steward Day and Twelve Tribes Celebration. Holly Grove is located in Peachtree City at  400 Holly Grove Church Rd., just off the south end of Robinson Road.

Organ, voice concert set at PTCUMC
Peachtree City United Methodist Church will present its  second inaugural concert, “Music for Organ and Voice,” celebrating the new organ designed and built by the Allen Organ Company. The event is planned for Sunday, Sept. 27 at 4 p.m. Mike and Cathy Strain of PTCUMC will present music that showcases the new organ as both a solo instrument and as a collaborative and accompanying instrument. There will be an ice cream social following the concert. The church is at 225 Robinson Road, Peachtree City.

Evergreen to offer ladies’ Bible study
Evergreen Church in Peachtree City invites women of all ages to participate in the new Priscilla Shirer Bible study titled “The Armor of God.” The seven-week study will take place on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8 p.m. beginning Oct. 6.  For more information, or to register and pre-order the study book ($13), contact Lisa Mathews at  Evergreen Church is located at 400 Windgate Rd. in Peachtree City (at the corner of Windgate Rd. and Peachtree Parkway, S.).