Local author to sign at Omega


Peachtree City author, historian, and writing teacher Victoria Wilcox will sign copies of “The Last Decision,” book three of her award-winning historical fiction trilogy “Southern Son: The Saga of Doc Holliday,” Saturday, June 20, noon-2 p.m. at Omega Book Center., 100 N. Peachtree Pkwy. in Peachtree City.

Wilcox is the founding director of Fayetteville’s Holliday-Dorsey-Fife House Museum, where she discovered the story that led to Southern Son. She devoted eighteen years researching and writing the trilogy, becoming a nationally known expert on the life of Doc Holliday.
Refreshments will be served. Those who cannot attend the event but would like a signed copy of the book can contact Omega at 770-487-3977.
Visit www.victoriawilcoxbooks.com to explore the world of Doc Holliday, view the trailer, and read a sample chapter of each book in the trilogy.