Sharpsburg Baptist will hold 24 hour prayer and praise vigil


Sharpsburg Baptist Church will be the site of a 24 Hour Prayer and Praise vigil beginning Friday, May 22, at 6 p.m. and continuing throughout the night  and all day, until 6 p.m. on Saturday May 23. A group of approximately 30 prayer leaders will welcome members and visitors and guide them on a journey through seven prayer stations at the church located on Ga. Highway 54 between the Sharpsburg Post Office and the Ga. Highway 16 intersection.

Everyone is welcome to stop in, pray through the guided walk, meet and make new friends and enjoy refreshments.  

The Sharpsburg, Turin and Senoia Fire Departments and Police Departments are special invited guests. There will be special prayers offered for those groups and for the communities they serve.

Prayers will be offered  for the United States and its leaders, its servicemen, persecuted Christians throughout the world and for victims of the recent earthquake in Nepal. There will be prayer stations dedicated to giving praise and grateful thanks, as well as recorded music and quiet time in the candlelit sanctuary.

The community is invited to join the church in this inaugural event as members offer praise for the recent success of their Victory to Victory campaigns which resulted in a safer, revitalized playground and the addition of a new electronic sign designed to reach out to the community.

 Those wishing to participate may come anytime Friday, May 22, from 6 p.m. until Saturday, May 23, at 6 p.m. Call 770-251-6963 for more information.