Piedmont Fayette observes Certified Nurses Day


Piedmont Fayette Hospital celebrated Certified Nurses Day by recognizing nurses who have invested time in additional education and testing to become certified in a specialty area.

Certification validates knowledge, skills abilities and experiences that go beyond the requirement of the RN role.

Piedmont Fayette employs 121 certified nurses representing 27 specialties including: Emergency, Trauma, Emergency Pediatrics, Progressive Care, Critical Care, Vascular and Infusion Therapy, Diabetes, Gerontology, Infection Control, Oncology, Breast Care, Medical/Surgical, Wound Care, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Perianesthesia, Perioperative Care, Obstetrics, Mother/Baby, Lactation, Neonatal Intensive Care, Case Management, Risk Management, Healthcare Quality, Advanced Practice, Hospice and Palliative Care.

Those recognized include (shown above, L to R, back row) Lori Bissantz, RN; Michael Burnett, CEO; Sandra Broder, RN; Lynn Jones, RN; Sandra Biles, RN; Diane Andresen, RN;  Woody Poston, RN; Tina Mann, RN; Melanie Dorrity, RN; Sandra Cherry, RN; (front row, L to R) Judy Long, CNO; Gloria King, RN.