PTC Girl Scout wins gold award with focus on babies’ health


Theresa Daugherty was recently awarded the highest honor in Girl Scouts: the Gold Award. Her project, “Relax for the Babies,” impacted the maternity center at local hospitals, Piedmont Fayette Hospital and Southern Regional Medical Center.

Daugherty chose this project because she wanted to give the babies every chance she could to be healthy. She collected items for the goodie bags that would go to the women on bed rest as well as different things for the women to do by themselves or with their family and friends.

The items in the goodie bags included things like combs, compact mirrors, gum, and baby wipes. For the families and friends, the activities included things like magazines, dolls, matchbox cars, board games, and coloring books. The women will also receive a gift bag that contains two baby toys on Mother’s Day, to help remind them why they are there and to bring up their spirits a little.

However, not all the babies get to go home after they are born, but instead have to go into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. So Theresa found out about the needs of the NICU at Piedmont Fayette Hospital and met them. She made nametags and wrote the NICU babies’ names on stockings for Christmas time, both of which went on the isolettes in the NICU.

The final part of her project was to make tie blankets to go over the isolettes with younger Girl Scout Troop #10326. These blankets will go over the isolettes and will also get to go home with the baby.

Daugherty is a junior at McIntosh High School, a member of the National Beta Club, Ambassador club, and National Spanish Honor Society. She teaches second graders at her church and is a mentor at a local elementary school. She enjoys helping others and hopes to pursue a degree in secondary education.

Daugherty joined Girl Scouts as a Brownie and is currently a member of Troop #19079 in Peachtree City. She has been in Girl Scouts for 10 years.