Fayetteville family on ‘Family Feud’ next Monday


Family Feud host Steve Harvey and his no-holds-barred brand of comedy are back for an all-new season of America’s favorite family competition.  Filmed before a live studio audience in Atlanta, Georgia, Fayetteville’s own Ruff Family will face off with the Fogarty Family from Billerica, Mass for their chance to take home prizes that could reach $100,000 plus a brand-new car, not to mention some serious bragging rights.  The challenge begins on Monday, November 14 at noon on WPCH (Channel 17).

 The Ruff Family – which includes Corey, who works in finance; brother Derico, a homeland security officer; wife Stacy, a study abroad program director; mother-in-law Deborah, a retired news broadcaster; and sister-in-law Stephanie, a telecommunication representative – will be playing for big prize money plus a brand new car when they appear with the King of Comedy, host Steve Harvey.  Since Harvey took over as host of the show last season, viewership has increased nearly 50% overall, and it’s no wonder.  Harvey brings down the house five days a week as he puts contestants on the spot and mines laughter from the crowd with every remark, gesture and eye roll he makes.

 “We often play ‘The Feud’ on PlayStation 3 or on Facebook, so when I saw they were having auditions I knew we had to try out,” said Corey.  “Stacey and I have a baby on the way, so if we win we want to put money towards our child’s education.”

 Will Fayetteville’s Ruff Family be able to save money for college on Family Feud?  We can’t tell you, but viewers can tune in to see Steve Harvey cracking jokes beginning Monday, November 14.

One of the original Kings of Comedy, Harvey brings his ‘tell-it-like-it-is’ brand of humor to center stage where he will keep audiences in stitches for the show’s 13th season in national syndication, which premiered on Monday, September 12, 2011.  Families travel from all over the country to compete for big cash prizes on the set of Family Feud, and have a great bonding experience while they’re at it.  When the show is over, fans can connect for breaking news on Twitter (@Family_Feud), find outtakes and behind the scenes footage on YouTube (www.youtube.com/familyfeud ) and even face off against friends and family on Facebook.

To secure their spot on the show, the Ruff Family called the Family Feud hotline to begin the process.  Other contestant hopefuls can also call the show’s hotline at 323-762-8467 for an interview.