Mosquito control in effect for the City of Newnan


The Public Works Department will begin a mosquito management program in June and continue through September, fogging Tuesdays and Fridays from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m., weather conditions permitting. 

The department uses a truck mounted ULV (ultra low volume) aerosol fogger for spraying a ready-to-use, quick knockdown, low odor, non-corrosive, synergized, synthetic Pyrethroid for the control of adult mosquitoes, biting and non-biting midges, black flies and other outdoor flying insects that cause public health annoyance and is intended for use in residential, municipal and recreational areas. At this time, the Public Works Department does not have a program for larval monitoring or surveillance, nor does the Department use any larval control products.

Because of ideal weather conditions, the mosquito population this spring and summer are predicted to be a bumper crop.

Mosquitoes are an all-too familiar summer nuisance, but much worse, they can carry West Nile virus or Eastern Equestrian Encephalitis for humans and heartworms for pets.  West Nile virus can result in serious illness and sometimes death. The virus can infect humans, birds, mosquitoes, horses and other mammals and is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito that has bitten an infected bird.

People over the age of 50 and anyone living in areas where the virus has been detected are most at risk. Standing water in your yard means you could be raising dangerous mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water where they hatch in just a day or two. Other mosquitoes lay their eggs in old tires, tin cans or other potential water-holding containers where the eggs remain un-hatched for weeks, months or even years until they are covered by water.

We will accommodate special requests, including requests for not spraying near particular residences; however, we only spray from the right-of-way.
Residents and property owners can help abate existing mosquito breeding sources by clearing property of any potential breeding sites and preventing them from recurring.  Here are some suggestions for what you can do help eliminate potential breeding grounds and increase your enjoyment of the outdoors:

• Get rid of old tires, tin cans, buckets, bottles or any water-holding containers
• Fill in or drain low places in your yard
• Keep drains, ditches and culverts clean of weeds and trash to help drainage
• Cover trash containers to keep water out
• Repair leaky outside pipes and faucets
• Empty plastic wading pools regularly and store them indoors when not in use
• Fill in tree rot holes and hollow stumps
• Change the water in bird baths and tray for plant pots at least once a week
• Keep your grass cut short and shrubbery trimmed

Together we can eliminate potential breeding grounds and increase our enjoyment of the outdoors.

If you have any questions, comments or requests, please call the Public Works Department at 770-253-1823 or email Michael Klahr at [email protected].