White honored for water work


Emily White has again been honored for her remarkable work with oyster repopulation. White, a senior at McIntosh High, was the Georgia delegate at the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition, earning a prestigious award.

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition, held this summer in Golden, Colorado at the Colorado School of Mines, is the nation’s most prestigious youth competition for water-related research and aims to increase students’ interest in water issues and careers. Her research paper, “Sustainable Habitats for Crassostrea Virginia,” was first recognized among other projects at the Georgia Science Fair; she was then chosen from all of the Georgia research submissions to be the official delegate for Georgia at the summer competition in Colorado.

At the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition, Emily was awarded the James L. Condon Recognition for Environmental Stewardship, one of only five prizes awarded to the 50 delegates. This award was created in recognition of efforts to leverage volunteerism in relation to water research.

Emily’s project mobilized student volunteer efforts through the STEM cohort of McIntosh High, as well as drawing in volunteer resources throughout the community at large. Emily’s research allowed her to conduct private research at a Georgia Tech lab this summer, where she focused on potential 3D printing of oyster reefs and particle analysis to encourage the revitalization of the aquaculture in the Apalachicola, Florida area.