Candidate Moore calls Peachtree City Council ‘narrow-minded and judgmental,’ says she and candidate Painter will save city from ‘big trouble’

Screen grab of email from Post 1 candidate Tamara Moore

In an email copied — possibly by mistake — to all candidates for two council posts, Post 1 candidate Tamara Moore criticizes the sitting current council members as “narrow-minded and judgmental” who have caused Peachtree City to “become the laughing stock of the metro area.”

Further, she says the cure is to elect her and Post 2 candidate, banker Vic Painter. “I need to get in and so does Vic or this city is in big trouble,” she writes in the email sent to city planner Stephanie Wagner and copied to council candidates Eric Imker, Laura Johnson, Suzanne Brown and Vic Painter.

It is uncertain whether she intended to copy the other candidates. “If Imker, Brown and Johnson knew I liked [Stephanie Wagner’s letter to the editor published Oct. 18 on this site], the editor wouldn’t publish,” Moore wrote in her email.

Moore also bemoans the current council’s lack of action on approving mixed-use developments. “There could have been so many wonderful entertainment districts in the works if we had the right council,” Moore wrote. “I can’t even utter mixed use according to my council,” Moore said.

The text and the screen shot of the actual email are below. The Citizen obtained the screenshot of Moore’s email via an anonymous tip.

The Citizen offered Mrs. Moore an opportunity to explain or have comments about her email, but she declined.

“I appreciate Ms. Wagner’s thoughtful, well-researched letter and encourage anyone who has questions about my platform to contact me directly,” Moore replied in an email Thursday morning.

In her email reply to Wagner, Moore says the following:

“I just read [Wagner’s letter to the editor] again. It truly is a great article. I can’t even utter mixed use to my council. I need to get in and so does Vic [Painter] or this city is in big trouble.

“The council with the mild exception of the Mayor [Kim Learnard] are so narrow-minded and judgmental we have become the laughing stock of the metro area. There could have been so many wonderful entertainment districts in the works if we had the right council.

“I won’t reply all until later. If Imker, Brown and Johnson knew I liked it, the editor wouldn’t publish. I don’t think you will get backlash. On the contrary. I think the educated voter would just chime in to say well done.

“Keep me posted.

“Tamara Moore”

Screen grab of email from Post 1 candidate Tamara Moore


  1. Kind of a joke she doesn’t fully praise Mayor Learnard. Seems like two peas in a pod to me. Replacing Prebor and King with these two would be jumping from the pan into the fire. If you want to live in Atlanta or similar urban ant hill then move!

  2. Entitled, condescending, unprofessional and rude come to mind. Sounds like someone who wouldn’t work well with a team who have different different perspectives.
    This would be a huge mistake for Peachtree City.

  3. So, according to Ms Moore, PTC could have had “so many wonderful entertainment districts” if not for the “narrow minded and judgmental” council. I’d love to hear her explain those projects in more detail.

    Although Tammy might like to go clubbing locally, there are good reasons why previous councils have not gone down that path. If that makes PTC a “laughing stock” of the metro area, I can live with that.

    I can’t vote for someone who is so self-righteous and obviously in the tank for interests that don’t align with mine as a homeowner and taxpayer who wants to preserve the good in PTC.

    And since she and Painter are a package deal, I can’t vote for him either.

    • That certainly is an insulting letter to call two Council members ignorant and narrow minded because they have a different view of the needs and wants of our beautiful City. I know who I won’t be voting for.

  4. Not sure Candidate Moore’s sign off ““Be Informed. Not Misled”, can reconcile with ” I can’t even mutter mixed use…” You gotta wonder what the whole plan really is. But she’s right, if the magical dragon ticket of Painter/Moore were honest about their plans, it would be tough to get votes.