Standing with Methodists leaving


I write today to stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ who have found it necessary to leave the United Methodist denomination. Of course, the distinction that they are the ones leaving is a false reality. The true reality is that the denomination left the people who hold the Biblical view of marriage.

Is it really “such a big deal” to insist that marriage must remain only between one man and one woman? And how should we as Christians keep the Biblical truth of marriage in the practices of our churches?

Back in 2010, many of us Lutherans stayed true to the Biblical call for marriage and were forced to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) because of its change away from the Biblical truth.

In 2013, our new denomination, the North American Lutheran Church (NALC), joined like-minded Christians in declaring our “Affirmation of Marriage.” This is what we believe. I hope you can say the same.

This document is a “public domain” document, with permission given for full distribution in any form to spread our belief and stance. You may use it as it helps you explain your stance for Biblical marriage. I shared it here in The Citizen when we first adopted it, and I believe it is important to share it again at this time, in light of the events in the United Methodist Church.

“The Sacred Scriptures teach that in the beginning the blessed Trinity instituted marriage to be the life-long union of one man and one woman (Gen 2:24; Matt 19:4-6), to be held in honor by all and kept pure (Heb 13:4; 1 Thess 4:2-5). God’s Word assures us that each time one man and one woman join themselves together in the union of the marriage commitment and relationship, God himself has joined them as one.

“It is important to see that marriage is not only a grace-filled institution of the church, but part of the very fabric of God’s creation which extends to every time and place on earth and includes every man and woman who are joined together in this ‘one flesh’ commitment and bond. Marriage is created by God and is not simply a social contract or convenience …

“Part of the tragedy of contemporary cultural perspectives in Europe and North America is a growing bifurcation of marriage and child-bearing. Growing numbers of men avoid or abdicate fatherly responsibility. Growing numbers of women choose to have and/or raise children apart from marriage.

“Just as frequently encountered is the pervasive assumption of married couples that postponing or purposefully rejecting children is compatible with the marriage bond. In these different ways, children appear to have value only to the extent they fulfill parental desires.

“While the gift of procreation is a profound and beautiful testimony of the blessedness of marriage and reveals one of marriage’s most fundamental purposes, marital goodness is not limited by procreation. Where procreation is not possible, many couples choose to adopt a child into their family and, regardless of intention, also reflect the divine love which leads God to adopt us as His own (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:5).

“So also, a childless couple exhibits, richly and beautifully, the blessings and goodness of man and woman living in complementarity. Although as an individual male and an individual female they are different, even to the point of often seeming to be alien to the other, their sexual and emotional bond enacts a life of self-giving openness to each other, protected by the bond of faithfulness …

“The beauty and significance of marriage go beyond its earthly effects — as rich and wonderful as they are. God gave marriage as a picture of the relationship between Christ and His bride, the church. In sustained and exalted language, Ephesians 5:21-33 connects godly marriage with the glorious relationship of Christ and His church.

“As a man and woman relate to one another with rich love and profound respect, their one flesh union hints of and is intended to signify the union of Christ and His bride, the church. But Christ and His bride also indicate the fullness of divine intention for marriage. Speaking of Christ as bridegroom and church as bride, the apostle notes that husbands are called to sacrificial love toward their wives and wives to a willing respect for their husbands …

“God’s intention for marriage is also skewed when it is spurned as unimportant for human well-being, or repudiated as a godly gift, or twisted into forms that no longer correspond to the gift God has intended. Rather, God gives marriage to humanity for its wellbeing. He commends Biblical marriage for couples to make a deep commitment to one another before God for a lifetime of giving to each other.

“In faithfulness to Christ … the church through the ages has sought to encourage godly, joyful, faithful preparation for marriage according to God’s plan and work. This is in obedience to the Scriptures, which call men and women to an appropriate discipline of desire.

“Our human inclination is one of self satisfaction, but God’s Word calls us to a higher purpose — serving God and others (see Rom 6:12-14; 1 John 4:20). To serve the other requires the discipline of our bodies, which obviously includes sexual desires (see Rom. 13:13). Therefore both biblical and wider human traditions of most cultures have emphasized the importance of chaste relationships which reserve sexual intimacy for marriage.

“In such ways Scripture holds forth a vision of human life as male and female — one which invites us to see that as embodied creatures, our Creator intends great joy for us. Joyful, fulfilled life as men and women requires a paradox, however, for it demands the discipline of our bodies so that our desires do not rule us. This is so because the source of deepest human joy comes as our lives reflect their highest purpose in serving God and our neighbor (Matt 22:38-39).”

This is all so simple, yet so profound. It is not based on our feelings, but upon the ancient and eternal Word of God. My prayer is that this might help you crystalize your Biblical view and help you verbalize it to others.

The peace of the Lord be with you all.

[Dr. Kollmeyer, a thirty-seven year resident of Fayette County, is a retired Lutheran pastor. He is available for preaching or teaching a message that is Biblically sound and applicable to our everyday lives. Contact him at]


  1. I agree with one thing that Rev. Kollmeyer says. Like this hopelessly narrow-minded pastor, I am also very pleased that the intolerant church-goers who can’t endure someone who dares to commit to the one he or she loves are leaving a denomination that actually cares about all their parishioners. I would assume that the United Methodists are saying “Goodbye and good riddance.”

    It will be good for the haters as well. They can assemble and pridefully pat each other on the back for choosing rabid dogmatism over loving others. It’s a win-win!