School system seeks input on math textbook adoption


Fayette County Public Schools is currently in the process of adopting K-5 mathematics textbooks for the 2023-2024 school year. They welcome public input in the process prior to the final recommendation to the Fayette County Board of Education for adoption.

Savvas (formerly Pearson) enVision and Curriculum Associates iReady Classroom are the two textbook vendors, which were recommended by the textbook committee. The textbook committee consisted of classroom teachers at each grade level, instructional support teachers across the grade levels, assistant principals, principals, and parents. The team selected the most comprehensive (K-5) math curriculum resource that is fully aligned to Georgia’s K-5 Mathematics Standards (adopted for the 2023-2024 SY), and incorporates mathematical practices.

The resources also include digital components that will enhance students’ learning and growth in:

  • Accelerating students’ mathematics content knowledge
  • Promoting students’ inquiry and engagement
  • Using strategies to solve real world problems
  • Engaging in hands-on learning experiences
  • Integrating 21st Century technology

Samples of the textbooks will be on display at each of the elementary schools, as well as the LaFayette Education Center (205 LaFayette Avenue in Fayetteville) Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. The textbooks will be available for review through January 31, 2023.

When visiting schools or the district office to review the resources, parents and teachers will have the opportunity to complete a survey with feedback.

The Fayette County Board of Education Elementary Mathematics Department is expected to present the selected resource at the March FCBOE Board Meeting.