Governor Brian Kemp speaks to Fayette County Chamber of Commerce


The Honorable Brian P. Kemp, Governor of Georgia, spoke to community business leaders and local elected officials during a luncheon held at the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.  He was accompanied by his wife, Georgia First Lady Marty Kemp.

The capacity crowd was welcomed by Fayette Chamber CEO/President Colin Martin.  Fayetteville Mayor Ed Johnson offered opening remarks including the Pledge of Allegiance and the Invocation.

Mayor Ed Johnson
Fayetteville Mayor Ed Johnson welcomes the Governor to the city and the Fayette Chamber of Commerce. Photo/Fayette Chamber of Commerce

Chamber CEO/President Martin introduced the Governor by telling the audience that Governor & Mrs. Kemp started their own development business 30 years ago with a pick-up truck and a shovel.  The Kemps became successful entrepreneurs with businesses and investments in banking, farming, and real estate.

Governor Kemp thanked local business leaders for their role in keeping Georgia open for business.  He told the crowd that he ran for public office in the early 2000s to cut taxes, fees, and government red tape on job creating businesses and Georgia families. Kemp stated that he is fighting to keep Georgia #1 for business, which benefits everyone.  He also talked about the decisions he made during the COVID-19 pandemic to minimize state mandates in order to help citizens maintain their livelihoods.

Fayette Chamber and Governor Kemp
Capacity crowd of community leaders assembled at the Fayette Chamber listen to Governor Brian Kemp. Photo/Fayette Chamber of Commerce

Kemp spoke for 45 minutes on a wide range of topics including the Georgia economy, employment, crime, affordable housing, COVID-19, education, and mental health issues.  He thanked Piedmont-Fayette Hospital for their role in providing critical health care services.  Kemp also thanked the Georgia National Guard for their role in providing support during the COVID-19 pandemic.  He also recognized the work of First Lady Marty Kemp for her work in combatting Human Trafficking.

After his presentation, Governor Kemp answered questions from the audience about affordable housing, land conservation, and mental health issues.  He reaffirmed his belief that children learn best in the classroom.

Governor & Mrs. Kemp with Fayette Chamber
Governor & Mrs. Kemp (center) with the Fayette County Chamber of Commerce Staff. Photo/Fayette Chamber of Commerce

Chamber CEO/President Martin thanked the Governor for making his second visit to Fayette County.  Martin also pointed out that the Fayette Chamber has been honored to host the Speaker of the House, the Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court, the Attorney General, the Insurance Commissioner, the Adjutant General of the Georgia National Guard, the Chancellor of the University System of Georgia, and the Commissioner of the Technical College System of Georgia.

The luncheon was adjourned at 1pm.  Governor and Mrs. Kemp stayed after to answer additional questions and pose for pictures with community leaders in the audience.


  1. Unless the reporter missed it, I’m assuming that Gov. Kemp conveniently failed to mention his assault on Stone Mountain Park, and his move to add “juneteenth” to the State holiday calendar, simultaneously removing the names of RE Lee, Jeff Davis, and Confederate Memorial Day (Georgia’s oldest official State holiday) from the State calendar and website, even though they are all by law, State holidays. Kemp said in 2018 in a tweet while running for Governor, “As governor I will protect Stone Mountain (which he has not done) and historical monuments (which he has not done) in Georgia from the radical left (which he has aided and abetted by appointing several to influential positions) We should learn from the past (which he has not done) -not attempt to rewrite it.” (Which he has done!) Another gutless Republican. Get ready for the phrase “Governor Stacy Abrams”.

    • “Governor Stacy Abrams”
      Given Purdue is backed by Trump (eyes rolling) and if Kemp mirrors Loeffler’s failed campaign playbook that could be the outcome. Of course, it is the mid terms so if the current occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave really mucks things up even more then the outcome could be different.